„You cannot do what you’ve always done and expect to get something you’ve never had.“ (Anonymus)
Your objectives + our experience = collective success
At the beginning of our collaboration we carefully analyse your expectations and objectives and carry out an initial match with the requirements of potential employers. After collective consultation, you make the precise choice of companies and establish exclusive contact with them, either openly or anonymously as you wish. All expenses incurred are covered by our clients, you do not bear any costs during the application process.
Partners/legal teams
As a partner or well-established team of lawyers, would you like to better demonstrate your skills in a firm with another structure or in management? We understand your situation and after in-depth discussions together we plan your transfer with you into an outfit where your strengths or those of your team can be fully showcased.
Not satisfied with just being an excellent legal mind, does the challenge of management tempt you? We’re in contact with practices in the US and UK which want to open up offices in Germany and need suitable staff to start up. We also count German firms, which want to expand their network or open up other locations in Germany, among our clients.
Counsel/Salary Partner
Do you have at least 5-6 years’ professional experience but can’t smash through the glass ceiling in your own practice? Is the next career step just around the corner but you still haven’t had the opportunity to establish mobile business which paves the way to a partnership? We’re happy to discuss practices with you which are still in the process of setting themselves up or expanding and are therefore looking to plug strategic gaps. These practices often consider taking on board a lawyer who is in the process of establishing themselves professionally and has little or no notable business of their own, instead of an expensive equity partner. We’ll happily discuss the pros and cons with you.
(Senior) Associates
Whatever the reasons driving you to be on the lookout for alternatives to your current professional situation: We support you in coming up with and implementing the right plans. Even if you’re moving to a new firm, bank or other company you can still benefit from our network. Finally we offer you the opportunity to test out the market using an anonymous candidate profile, without anyone in the Legal Community, let alone at your current place of work, finding out about your intentions to leave. Moreover, our consultants know about vacancies which are not advertised by companies and law firms, which could perhaps give you a crucial head start.
In-house counsel/in-house lawyers
There are many possible reasons for wanting to change employers when working in a legal department: some examples include poor financial health of the company, wanting to go in a different professional direction, too low a salary or obstacles to career progression. We’re happy to check for you, whether we have any suitable alternatives for you at the moment. We also openly let you know if this is not the case and then check when new vacancies come up whether any of these are possibly suitable for you.
In this area of business, reasons for wanting a new job are often similar to those of in-house counsels. HOPP PSC has also been working to place compliance specialists of all levels since the very beginning both in the preventative as well as the investigative area. We have developed in-depth expertise in this area too over the course of the last few years and can therefore talk with market players on an equal footing.
After successful placement we don’t just leave you to your own devices, rather we offer professional support in how to deal with any pressure as a result of your own or other people’s expectations, how to successfully play a part in your new practice or new company and how to adequately fulfil your role. We work together with the VIA practice for Conflict Management and offer accompanying coaching sessions tailored to the legal profession for interested candidates who are taking up a new position. Through this external, neutral coaching we would like to support you individually in your workplace move and give you a space to find your feet in your new role and to be happy and successful in your new position.

Jüngere Placements von HOPP PSC
IT Partner | UK Firm |
IT Partner | German Firm |
Tax Team | US Firm |
Head of Finance | US Firm |
Finance Team | US Firm |
Tax Partner | UK Firm |
M&A Partner | German Firm |
Litigation Partner | German Firm |
Banking & Capital Markets Partner | German Firm |
Head of Real Estate | US Firm |
Patent Counsel | US Firm |
IT Partner | German Firm |
Corporate Commercial Partner | German Firm |
IP Team | German Firm |
Capital Markets Partner | German Firm |
M&A Partner | German Firm |
Director Legal + Team | US Fondsgesellschaft |
Head of Shanghai Office | German Firm |
Employment Partner | German Firm |
Real Estate Partner | UK Firm |
Private Equity Partner | German Firm |
General Counsel + Team | Intl. Logistics Company |
17 Lawyer Team | German Firm |
Restructuring Partner | German Firm |
Employment Partner | German Firm |
Aufgrund unserer guten Vernetzung wissen wir von Vakanzen, die (noch)
nicht veröffentlicht wurden. Wir beraten Sie bei der Wahl potentieller Arbeitgeber, bieten Ihnen während des gesamten Recruiting Prozesses Unterstützung und geben Ihnen Feedback. Sollten Sie in einem Beschäftigungsverhältnis als Angestellter oder Partner stehen erfolgt die Bewerbung bis zu dem Zeitpunkt, den sie bestimmen, anonym.
Definitiv nicht. Ihr Report wird ausschließlich an Kanzleien bzw. Unternehmen geschickt, die vorher mit Ihnen abgestimmt wurden.
Aufgrund unserer guten Vernetzung in Kanzleien und Unternehmen erfahren wir von einer Vielzahl an Karrieremöglichkeiten für Juristen. Abhängig von Ihren
Vorstellungen bezüglich Umfeld, Vergütung und Perspektiven präsentieren wir Ihnen die Optionen, die Ihren Vorstellungen am ehesten entsprechen.
Hierbei können wir Sie unterstützen. Zwei wichtige Kriterien für Ihre Entscheidung sind, ob Sie mit den richtigen Partnern bzw. Kollegen zusammen arbeiten und ob Sie die Tätigkeit herausfordert. Wenn Sie sich für eine Tätigkeit in einer Kanzlei interessieren ist zudem wichtig, ob das neue Umfeld Ihnen eine gute Plattform bietet, Ihre Praxis weiter auszubauen.
Dies ist natürlich in jedem Fall individuell abzuwägen. Möglicherweise werden durch das Gegenangebot viele Gründe beseitigt, die Sie zum Wechsel motiviert
haben. Studien haben ergeben, dass ein Wechsel nach der Akzeptanz eines verbesserten Angebots nach ein oder zwei Jahren doch erfolgt. Um keine verbrannte Erde zu hinterlassen, sollte ein verbessertes Angebot jedoch niemals ungeprüft zurückgewiesen werden.
Sie haben nur eine Chance, einen guten ersten Eindruck auf Ihren potentiellen neuen Arbeitgeber zu machen. Und der erste Eindruck spielt häufig eine wichtige Rolle. Wir bereiten Sie daher auf die Interviews vor und liefern ihnen Hintergrundinformationen über ihre Gesprächspartner. Relevante Themen besprechen wir im Vorfeld mit Ihnen. Feedbacks von Mandantenseite sind selbstverständlich.
Dies kommt sehr auf die jeweilige Konstellation und Kanzlei an. Es gibt Kanzleien, die gar kein oder wenig portables Business voraussetzen. Häufig wird aber auch portables Business in der Range von 400.000 – 1.000.000 EUR oder mehr vorausgesetzt. Als Equity Partner in einer TOP Kanzlei wird in den meisten Fällen portables Business von über 800.000 EUR und höher angestrebt.